Show Discussions
area provides links to laser related discussion boards that may be of
interest to laserists and laser hobbyists.

links to Laser
Forums and Newsgroups
There are a number of other forums, bulletin boards and
newsgroups that would be of interest to laserists. Here are some
selected forums:
Alt.lasers - The USEnet discussion board for
everything and anything related to lasers. Discussions vary from
scientific principals and theories, to the details of constructing your
own lasers, to laser cutting equipment, to laser light show topics [and
a few off topic posts as well].
This forum is accessible through a web based interface at Google
Sci.optics - The USEnet discussion board for
optics and optical phenomena. There is infrequent discussion of
lasers in this forum as they are usually cross posted to alt.lasers.
This forum is accessible through a web based interface at
Forums - The International Laser Display Association
runs web based forums. These are moderated forums
for the discussion of topics related to laser shows
and displays. There are three main sets of ILDA
Public forums -- Visible to everyone. Anyone
can read and post topics.
ILDA Member forums -- Visible to everyone, but only current
ILDA Members can read and post topics.
ILDA Private forums -- Visible only to Board and Committee
members. These are for internal discussions of the Board and
Committee members
Chat - A web based discussion group run by Pangolin Laser
Software. The focus is on Pangolin systems and products although
general posts on laser light show topics are also welcome.
- A web site with chat and message boards almost
all in German.
Some of the information in the Backstage area is provided by the persons or
companies named on the relevant page(s). Laser F/X does NOT endorse or
recommend any products/services and is NOT responsible for the technical
accuracy of the information provided. We provide this information as a
service to laserists using the Backstage area.
[ Introduction ]