- ILDA Image Data Transfer Format

ILDA Image Data Transfer Format
Written by:
Steve Heminover, Aura Technologies, Inc.
Patrick Murphy, Pangolin Laser Software
Prepared by:
Kelly and Frank Plughoff, Full Spectrum Lasers
ILDA Image Data Transfer Format
The International Laser Display
Association has developed an "image data transfer" format, used
to exchange frames between systems. You can obtain frames from any program
with an ILDA conversion program, and transparently load them directly into
any system that supports ILDA standard frames. Similarly, you can save
frames in ILDA format, to sell or trade with users of other systems that
read ILDA format.
The ILDA format is computer- and
disk-independent. For example, it does not rely on or require files to be
in PC format. To trade with another user who has ILDA files, you can
either transfer the files by modem, or you can use disks in a format that
both of you can read and write (such as PC 3.5" 1.44 MB).
The ILDA format was developed by ILDA's
Technical Committee, under the direction of Steve Heminover of Aura
Technologies. By its nature, the format had to support systems of
differing abilities. There are some known shortcomings to the format.
However, it works well in its stated goal to allow frame interchange from
one system to another.
The most obvious shortcoming is in the
area of colour. Originally, the ILDA format contained X, Y, Z and colour
number information for each point. The colour number was arbitrary - colour #1 on one system might be black, while on another system it is
white. For this reason, it was usually impossible to correctly transfer
colours between different systems (at least, using the default colour
palettes on each system).
To address this shortcoming, two proposals
were made to ILDA. One was to have an "ILDA standard" colour
palette. When loading or saving ILDA format, a system's default colours
would be translated into the closest matching "ILDA standard"
palette. This proposal was adopted, and is available separately from the
Technical Committee.
The second proposal was to add a colour
header to the ILDA format. The colour section would describe the RGB
values used for each colour number. The ILDA-reading program could use
this information to re-map colour numbers correctly. This proposal was
adopted in June 1992, for Revision 004. However, to the best of our
knowledge, no system reads or writes the colour header at the time of
Items outdented like this are part of
the standard.
Items indented and in a
smaller font like this, contain descriptive or explanatory material.
They are useful in understanding and applying the standard, but they
are not an official part of the standard.
Nomenclature and Structure
This document describes the official
International Laser Display Association format for transferring single
and/or multiple frames between systems.
The purpose of the standard
is transfer of graphic images - frames and animations - between
systems. It is not optimised for space or speed, and it is not
currently concerned with display issues such as point output rate.
The official name of this standard is
"ILDA Image Data Transfer Format" or "ILDA Format".
The official name for files conforming to this standard is "ILDA
Format Files".
There are other ILDA formats
for areas such as hardware. Use the longer name of the standard on
first reference.
The first part of the ILDA
Format incorporates the introduction. The second part covers the
"ILDA Coordinates" section. It incorporates the two
subsections "Coordinate Header" and "Coordinate
The third part covers the
"ILDA Colour Tables" section. It incorporates the three
subsections "Colour Table Header", "Colour Table
Data" and "Colour Table Notes".
For accurate communications,
use the names given in quotes above when discussing the various parts
of the ILDA Format.
Throughout this document, the word
"must" is used in capitals to stress required conformance with
the ILDA Format. The word "should" in capitals or lower case
indicates suggested conformance.
An ILDA file consists of
sections with coordinate or colour information.
There are currently three
types of sections:
Coordinate information for two-dimensional frames
Coordinate information for three-dimensional frames
Colour lookup table information
Each section has two
subsections, a header and data. The header subsection begins with the
ASCII characters "ILDA". A format code identifies the
section type: 0 for 2D, 1 for 3D, 2 for colour tables. Other
information follows. The most important from a reading standpoint is
information on the number of coordinates or colours. This is used by
the reading program to determine how many times to read data. In
format 0 and 1, there is one section (header plus data) for each
frame. In format 2, there is one section for each defined colour
table. Depending on the system, all frames may share the same colour
table, each frame may have its own, or there may be some other
Binary vs. ASCII
The terms "binary 0" or
"binary 1" refer to bit codes 0000 0000 and 0000 0001. They
are used to avoid confusion with the ASCII characters "0" or
Byte Order
Byte order is high bytes followed by low
bytes. For example in a word, the two bytes 11111111 00000000 represent
the decimal number 65280, not 255.
Physical Implementation
This standard does not specify any
physical implementations, such as using IBM disk formats. It is a
software-only format. It is up to the transferring parties to have the
data readable by both systems. Where modem transfer is to take place,
any CRC or checksum calculations are left up to the communications
programs' protocol.
Upward Compatibility
A program which reads ILDA Format Files
MUST be able to read all past revisions at time of programming. A
program which writes ILDA Format Files SHOULD write the most current
ILDA format at time of programming, but could write an earlier format if
Skipping Unfamiliar Formats
A reading program MUST skip a section
(ILDA header plus data) if the format byte in the sector is unfamiliar.
For example, a program may
understand format 0 (3D images) and format 1 (2D images). If it sees a
byte indicating format 9 (currently undefined), it does not process
further data except as necessary to find the ASCII letters
"ILDA" indicating start of next header.
A reading program should calculate
offsets (using "Total Points" or "Total Colours"
data bytes) when skipping ahead, instead of blindly searching for the
"ILDA" sequence. This is because "ILDA" may also
occur within frame names or as an accidental sequence of data bytes.
This part of the standard describes both
the 3D and 2D coordinate formats. (The third type of format is for
colour tables.) Be sure to note and take action based on byte 8, the
format code.
Coordinate Header
(ILDA header description - one for
each frame)
Byte |
Description |
Remarks |
1-4 |
"L", "D", "A" |
letters ILDA, identifying an ILDA format header. |
5-7 |
0, 0 |
Three binary
zero bytes (all bits zero). Not used but must be set to zero. |
8 |
code |
Binary 0 for
3D images or binary 1 for 2D. In 3D mode there are four words per
point and in 2D mode there are three words per point. |
9-16 |
name |
characters with the name of this frame. |
17-24 |
name |
characters with name of the company who created the frame. |
25-26 |
points |
Total number
of points in this image in binary (1-65535). If the number of
points is 0, then this is to be taken as the end of file header
and no more data will follow this header. |
27-28 |
number |
If the frame
is part of a group such as an animation sequence, this represents
the frame number. Counting begins with frame 0. Frame range is
0-65535. |
29-30 |
frames |
Total frames
in this group or sequence. Range is 1-65535. |
31 |
head |
The scanner
head or projector number that this frame or image is to be
displayed on. Range is 0-255. |
32 |
Future |
Reserved for
future use. Must be set to binary 0. |
Coordinate Data
(Data description - one for each
Byte |
Description |
Remarks |
33-34 |
coordinate |
A 16-bit
binary twos complement (signed) number. Extreme left is -32768;
extreme right is +32767. (All directions stated using front
projection.) |
35-36 |
coordinate |
A 16-bit
binary twos complement (signed) number. Extreme bottom is -32768;
extreme top is +32767. |
37-38 |
coordinate |
A 16-bit
binary twos complement (signed) number. Extreme rear (away from
viewer; behind screen) is -32768; extreme front (towards viewer;
in front of screen) is +32767. These two bytes do not appear if
the format code (byte 8) indicates 2D frames. |
39-40 |
code |
Bits 0-7 (lsb)
indicate the point's colour number. This value is used as an index
into a colour lookup table containing red, green and blue values.
See ILDA Colour Lookup Table Header section for more information.
Bits 8-13 are unassigned and should be set to 0 (reserved). Bit 14
is the blanking bit. If this is a 0, then the laser is on (draw).
If this is a 1, then the laser is off (blank). Note that all
systems must write this bit, even if a particular system uses only
bits 0-7 for blanking/colour information. Bit 15 (msb) is the
"last point" bit. This bit is set to 0 for all points
except the last point. A 1 indicates end of image data. This was
done for compatibility with certain existing systems; note that a
zero in bytes 25-26 (Total Points) is the official end-of-file
indication. |
41-N |
X coordinate |
Repeat point
format until last point has been written. |
N+1 |
header |
header follows. If the next header has a zero value for Total
Points (bytes 25-26), then it is the last header in the file and
the file can be closed. |
Colour Tables
This part of the standard describes the
colour table format. See the notes following for more information.
Colour Table Header
(ILDA header description -
one for
each colour table)
Byte |
Description |
Remarks |
1-4 |
"L", "D", "A" |
letters ILDA representing the organisation. Same as coordinate
header. |
5-7 |
0, 0 |
Three zero
bytes. Not used but must be set to zero (future use). Same as
coordinate header. |
8 |
code |
"2" (0010 binary) for colour lookup table. |
9-16 |
name |
character ASCII name of palette. Should be identical to name used
in coordinate header. |
17-24 |
name |
character ASCII name of the company who created the palette.
Should be identical to name used in coordinate header. |
25-26 |
colours |
Total number
of RGB values defined in lookup table. For example, a digital RGB
system with 1 bit each for R, G and B would specify eight colours.
Although two bytes are used here, the number of colours must be
between 2 and 255. This is because the colour Status Code is
limited to 8 bits total. Single-colour systems should specify two
colours, even if they do not support blanking. Colour #0 should
have RGB values of 0-0-0, Colour #1 should have RGB values of
255-255-255. A value of 0 is reserved. |
27-28 |
number |
A software
program may have more than one palette lookup table. These bytes
describe which lookup table is being defined. Counting begins with
palette 0. Palette range is 0-65535. Systems with absolute colour
can use one lookup table per frame. This allows any frame to
contain up to 256 colours. |
29-30 |
Future |
Reserved for
future use; must be zero. |
31 |
head |
represents which head or scanner pair the lookup table(s) is being
defined for. Range is 0-255. |
32 |
Future |
Reserved for
future use; must be zero. |
Colour Table Data
(Data description - one for each
colour table)
Byte |
Description |
Remarks |
33 |
#0 value |
value of red for first colour in table (colour #0). Value ranges
from 0 (off) to 255 (full on). |
34 |
#0 value |
value of green for colour #0. |
35 |
#0 value |
value of blue for colour #0. |
36 |
#1 value |
value of red for second colour in table (colour #1). |
37 |
#1 value |
value of green for colour #1. |
38 |
#1 value |
value of blue for colour #1. |
39+ |
Repeat red,
green and blue for each entry. Total entries must equal value in
colour header bytes 25-26. |
Table Notes
Coordinate information
- a
point's location - is straightforward. The use of colour lookup tables
is not. There are many different ways of using blanking and colour.
There are many different ways of interpreting the colour information in
the ILDA Coordinates section.
Because systems and
implementations vary, the Colour Table Notes go into detail. They help
standardise the transfer of colour information even across very
different systems.
Special terms used in this document are
defined as follows. These definitions may be more specific than those in
the ILDA Laser Glossary.
Control of the laser's brightness on a
point-by-point basis, either by turning it on and off or by varying its
intensity. In this document refers to both digital and analogue
Digital Blanking
The beam can only be turned on or off.
Analogue Blanking
Continuously variable control of the
laser brightness. "Intensity" is often used as a synonym.
Digital RGB
Mixing the three primary colours of
light by turning them on or off. Can produce 8 total colours: red,
green, blue, yellow (R+G), magenta (R+B), cyan (G+B) and white (R+G+B),
with black the eighth "colour".
Analogue RGB
Mixing the three primaries using
intensity control. Many systems have 256 levels of control over each
colour, providing 16,777,216 possible combinations of red, blue and
green levels.
Spectrum Colour
A single signal causes colour change.
Usually done by moving a prism to select different wavelengths; hence
the name.
Describes systems which use only the
colour devices to blank. Many analogue RGB and spectrum colour systems
use this technique.
The opposite of colour-blanking. A
system which has a blanking device controlled separately from any colour
device. By definition also incorporates single colour, blanking-only
Use of the Colour Header
The reading program should assume a
single-colour image in the absence of any Colour Table Header. Reading
programs MUST read in both older, non-colour-header files, and newer
files with colour headers.
An image file does not have
to contain a colour header.
If a colour header is found
as part of an ILDA Format File (along with coordinate headers and
data), the colour header may appear anywhere in the file - before,
in the middle of, or after sectors with coordinate headers and data.
It is also possible to make
"palette files" that contain only a colour header.
The reading program MUST be able to read
colour Table Headers and Data anywhere in the file - even if they are
the only elements of the file.
It is strongly suggested that
the colour header be the first header in a file, but this is not a
requirement. In most systems, there is only one, or a few, colour
lookup tables. When a new table is loaded, all existing colours change
to those in the new lookup table. This means that the last colour
header encountered takes precedence over all prior colour headers that
have the same lookup table number (byte 26).
There may be other systems
where every frame can have its own palette. (Absolute colour systems
would be handled like this.) To provide for these cases, the following
rule applies: the colour header defines a palette for the following
frames. If a new colour header appears, frames appearing afterwards
take on the new palette values. This is why the colour header should
be the first header in a file.
The writing program should write a
Colour Table Header and Data before Coordinate Headers and Data. The
colour header defines a palette for all frames which follow until the
next colour header (for multiple-palette systems).
Colour, Intensity and Blanking
The following rules are
defined so that colour usage on separate-blanking and colour-blanking
systems is consistent.
All writing programs MUST write bit 14
of the Status Code. This blanking bit is a 0 if laser is on (draw) and a
1 if laser is off (blanked).
For separate-blanking systems, then this
bit simply reflects the blanking status. For colour-blanking systems,
then this bit MUST be 0 if any of the RGB values is greater than 0, and
MUST be a 1 if the RGB values are all 0.
If a system does not use 8-bit colour
resolution, the colour resolution MUST be mapped onto 8 bits.
For example, if a system has
2-bit resolution (four different colour levels), the level is
multiplied to fit full scale 0-225. Two-bit "0" remains
8-bit "0", 2-bit "2" becomes "85",
"2" becomes "170" and "3" becomes
Even if a system does not use any colour
or blanking, it is suggested to write a Colour Table Header. For
compatibility with the proposed ILDA Standard Colour Palette, specify
just two colours in the table - Colour 0 with RGB values of 0, and
Colour 1 with RGB values of 255 - and write all points using Colour 1.
Reading programs have a
number of ways to derive blanking, intensity and colour information.
Some choices are left up to the programmer to allow some flexibility.
The following sections discuss these choices for different types of
Separate-blanking Systems
Digital Blanking
Obtain blanking information either from
the blanking bit, or derive it from the RGB information.
For example, a programmer
could decide to blank any points whose combined RGB values are less
than 10% of full scale. This option ensures that very dim lines are
not drawn by a digital (on/off) system.
Analogue Blanking with Digital RGB
Derive intensity information from the
RGB information. Convert the analogue RGB levels into digital RGB levels
(0 or 255).
It is up to the reading
program to determine the mapping algorithm that translates analogue
RGB into the desired information. For example, the intensity could be
merely the average of the combined RGB values.
Colour-blanking Systems
Analogue RGB
Reading programs using analogue RGB
should use the RGB information directly.
Backwards Compatibility
Colour-blanking Systems
If bit 14 indicates blanked, use a
colour number with RGB registers all set to zero. This ensures that
blanking takes precedence over the colour number in Status Code bits
Conversely, if bit 14 indicates visible,
check to be sure the Status Code colour number in bits 0-7 has combined
RGB values greater than 0. This ensures that visible points are indeed
Reading programs which read
image files without colour headers have no idea which colour numbers
get which RGB values. The only absolute colour information is the
Status Code blanking bit.
This presents a problem for
colour-blanking systems. It is possible that the Status Code colour
number bits (0-7) will not match the blanking bit (bit 14). That is,
because there is no colour header, a blanked point could be assigned a
colour which would make it visible on these systems. The system above
solves this dilemma.
Defining RGB
Red, green and blue wavelengths are
assumed to be colour-balanced, although exact wavelengths are not
specified. If your system uses non-standard RGB wavelengths, you MUST
correct as best you can when reading and writing.
The system used by ILDA
provides eight bits each of red, green and blue information. This
makes for 16.7 million potential colours. These RGB values are defined
in absolute terms; that is, they are not necessarily the specific RGB
signals which may be sent to your particular colour system.
The ILDA standard assumes
colour-balanced RGB wavelengths similar to those used in high-quality
computer monitors. Those wavelengths are not specified in the
standard, so exact colour matching will not be possible at this time.
However, you must read and write colour-balanced RGB levels even if
your system does not use those internally. (You will need to use a
second lookup table to convert from your projector's RGB signals to
"absolute" RGB.)
This ILDA standard is available for download as a PDF document
- ILDAframeFormat.pdf [29KB]
NOTE: This is NOT an official ILDA document - contact ILDA for further
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