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Unclassified Ads

   This is the place to post buy, sell, trade, wanted, Requests For Quotations, employment opportunities, announcements, etc., specifically related to lasers and laser light shows. Commercial messages and product promos for lasers and laser equipment are ENCOURAGED in this area.


Sorry for any inconvenience

Posting tips:

  • Compose the Comments/Info part of your Unclassified Ad in a word processor first so that it can be spell-checked.

  • To get a space between paragraphs or before your signature line, hit return twice.

  • If you include a URL in your ad, be sure that it is fully qualified [E.G.: http://www.domain.com/PageName.html] so that users can cut and paste it to their browser or click the link.

  • Due to the barrage of spam on the net, we recommend that you "munge" you E-mail address to defeat spambots.  You can do this as follows yourname<at>provider<dot>com or using other methods such as yourname@provider.com.NOSPAM where it is obvious that the NOSPAM must be removed before responding.

  • When you have finished composing your ad, highlight the text and copy the ad in the word processor.  To paste it to this form, place cursor in the Comments/Description box; use the browser paste function or Ctrl+v to paste the ad text to this page.

Subject/Heading: [Required]
Your/Company Name: [Required]
Your E-mail: [Required]
Your Phone/Fax: [Optional]
  • If you have made an error and wish to start over, click the Clear Ad Button.

  • Once you are satisfied with your ad, press the Submit Ad button. A confirmation will be displayed showing your unclassified ad. Click the Return To Form Link on the confirmation page to get back to this page.

  • To see your ad, go to the Read Unclassified Ads page, wait until it has loaded then click the refresh button on your browser to re-load the latest version of the page.
  • If your ad does not appear, wait a minute for the system to finish processing, then click the re-load/refresh page button on your browser.
  • If your ad has still has not appeared after 5 minutes, please notify info<at>LaserFX<dot>com with a copy of your ad and the date and time you submitted it.


DISCLAIMER: The information in the Unclassified Ads area is provided by the persons or companies named in the relevant posting(s). Laser F/X does NOT endorse or recommend any products/services and is NOT responsible for the technical accuracy of the information provided.  We provide this information as a service to laserists using the Backstage area.
As stated on the introduction page, LaserFX.com reserves the right to remove or edit any ads that are not relevant to our subscribers or that contain inappropriate or offensive language or for any other reason without notice.  Offenders may be blocked from our domain without notice.


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