and Download - Archives
archive of various articles and papers that are of interest to laserist. This include information on laser
colour balance, PCAOMs, 3D systems, system maintenance, interviews and
occasional laser show reviews:

Lasers for laser projection displays - Detailed
paper in .pdf format which discuss the design and development
of the first all solid state RGB laser system for image
projection systems by JENOPTIK Laser, Optik, Systeme GmbH.
Laser Line Spectrum Chart - By Brian
This very large and detailed chart lists the lines (colours) in
the visible spectrum produced by various types of laser with efficiency
the tube in a Spectronika CV laser - By L. Michael Roberts
The Spectronika copper vapour laser is a low cost, high power,
air cooled laser. The laser uses a sealed tube design which lasts
approximately 800 hours of operation before the tube must be changed.
This paper covers step by step instructions for the tube change
with L. Michael Roberts (2)
Interviewer Frank DeFreitas of Holoworld
discusses holography with laser pointers, legislative and safety issues
involving laser pointers with L. Michael Roberts (part of a longer
program) - Download the real Audio Format file [790 KB]
with L. Michael Roberts (1)
Interviewer Frank DeFreitas of Holoworld
discusses Laser F/X '98, audience scanning, laser pointers, aerospace
issues and other topics with L. Michael Roberts - Download the real
Audio Format file [2202 KB].
- The
Graphical User Interface (GUI) - By Bob Ash
The interface between the number crunching done internally by a system
and the operator is discussed in the laser light show environment.
- Laser
Colour Balance Explored - By Carol Seidel.
This paper, reproduced from Volume 2, Number 1
of Laser Effects, covers the issue of colour balance in white-light
lasers used for shows and displays.
- 3D
laser based volumetric display - By E. Downing, L. Hesselink, J.
Ralston, and R. Macfarlane.
A three-colour, solid-state, volumetric display based on
two-step, two-frequency upconversion in rare earth doped heavy metal
fluoride glass is described. The device employs infrared laser beams
that intersect inside a transparent volume of active optical material.
Basics - By Greg Makhov
Reproduced from Volume Volume 1, Number 4 of Laser Effects
covers the basics of how a PCAOM works and how it is used.
- Blinded
By The Lights - Pink Floyd On Tour - By: L. Michael Roberts
Reproduced form Laser Effects #4. A laserists impressions
of the Pink Floyd's "Division Bell' show INCLUDES: Laser Basics
article about the Copper vapour laser from Oxford Laser used on the
Some of the information in the Backstage area is provided by the persons or
companies named on the relevant page(s). Laser F/X does NOT endorse or
recommend any products/services and is NOT responsible for the technical
accuracy of the information provided. We provide this information as a
service to laserists using the Backstage area.
[ Introduction
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