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Laser F/X On-line Newsletter - Digest
First quarter 2002 Items removed from the Newsletter section of the Backstage Area originally posted during the first quarter [January, February, March] 2002. NOTE: Links on destination sites are often changed. We provide the digest pages for archival purposes and the links to external sites were working when the material was originally published but may no longer be working. What's New New products and services of interest to laserists. Submit your new product information and images in .gif or .jpg format to our E-mail or contact us. OmniSistem announces Pulse Division March 22, 2002, Kent Washington:
OmniSistem Lights and Effects is pleased to announce the the
launch of their new laser products division named Pulse. The Pulse
division has been named exclusive distributor of Laser Quantum
Ltd., products for North and South America. Pulse will sell directly to the OEM laser
Pangolin Update Available Orlando, USA, Fri, 22 Feb 2002: There is a new update available for Pangolin LD2000 users. LD2000 version 2.30 represents a major update to the LD2000 system. In addition to some major new features and enhancements, this release includes a new Asteroids game, and the release versions of technologies that Pangolin has had in BETA for some time, including the Enhanced Showtime Timeline and Network Access to remote QM2000 boards. MediaLas Announces New and Improved Lasers Hechingen, Germany, Thu, 21 Feb 2002: MediaLas is pleased to announce they have upgraded their laser offerings as follows:
Info: http://www.medialas.de/ Spectronika Creates Special Safety Goggles Sofia, Bulgaria, Mon, 18 Feb, 2002: In response to demand form laserists working with DPSS lasers, and hobbyists building DPSS lasers, Spectronika has created special "triple coated" safety goggles. These goggles will attenuate the 532 nm, 808 nm and 1064 nm lines making them ideal for working on the innards of DPSS lasers. Damage threshold on the goggles is 20 watts so
they are not recommended in applications where collimated pump
diode power will exceed 19 watts. LVS Development Kit available Ohio,USA: Robert Mudryk of lasers.org
has announced the release of an SDK for making 3rd party add-in effects
in the Laser Visualization Studio for WinAmp. In a nut shell LVS will supply
you with a 3rd party dll which has 576 elements of right and left channel waveform and
fft data, a isbeat flag, and an array to add/edit the vectors that are to
be outputted to the laser. 3D Laser announces new software version Spain: 3D Laser has announced the new
3DLaser Show! Pro (32 bits , beta version) is now available at
their web site - http://www.3dlaser.net/3dl1.htm. Laser Magic Ltd Announces the Stratosphere East Sussex, UK: Laser Magic now offer a new and unique product call the Stratosphere. The Stratosphere is a 60ft tall by 50ft wide inflatable dome with two airlock systems for entrance and exits. It has been designed to be a projection sphere capable of holding 300+ VIP guests and offers an excellent surface for the projection of video, lighting and laser images inside a unique 360º environment.
Logic Systems announces GW-DMX0602A-DRV high Current DMX board The GW-DMX0602A-DRV was designed specifically for the professional laser lightshow industry. By using the industry standard DMX-512 control protocol, you have analog control of beam actuators, small motors, shutters or virtually any load up to .5 amps per channel. Using current control for your beam actuators and “fade out” shutters is more accurate, more reliable, and more repeatable. That is why we use this technology for our first six channels. The last two channels give you the choice of either Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM) or 0-10vdc controlled outputs. They are designed for controlling Lumia and special effect motors, standard shutters, or any other
device requiring this type of analog control. Info: Craig Nelson - craig@lsione.com World Scan News items about laser show technology, installations and special events/shows from around the world as well as social items relating to laserists. Our "Pluses" items cover laser items from the mainstream media. Large Capacity Optical Disc Video Recording Format "Blu-ray Disc" Announced Tokyo Japan, February 19, 2002: Nine
leading companies today announced that they have jointly
established the basic specifications for a next generation
large capacity optical disc video recording format called
"Blu-ray Disc". The Blu-ray Disc enables the
recording, rewriting and play back of up to 27 gigabytes (GB)
of data on a single sided single layer 12cm CD/DVD size disc
using a 405nm blue-violet laser. The companies that
established the basic specifications for the Blu-ray Disc are:
Hitachi Ltd., LG Electronics Inc., Matsushita Electric
Industrial Co., Ltd., Pioneer Corporation, Royal Philips
Electronics, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Sharp Corporation,
Sony Corporation, and Thomson Multimedia. Link to the official announcement: http://www.matsushita.co.jp/corp/news/official.data/data.dir/en020219-4/en020219-4.html Laser
Safety Training The Laser Institute of America is holding two courses for laser safety: Fundamentals of Laser Safety in St. Louis, MO on March 21-22 and Industrial Laser Safety in Milwaukee, WI on April 8. All the details of these courses including the course agendas, locations and registration information can be viewed at the following links: Industrial Laser Safety Lasers in your car exhaust? Physicist Marlan Scully says that car exhaust gasses are a laser waiting to happen! he is proposing that a MASER can be used in a car exhaust to extract useful energy in the from of laser emissions! The journal Nature has an article on-line at http://www.nature.com/nsu/020128/020128-3.html Schneider declared Bankruptcy? Tuerkheim, Germany 26 January 2002:
In a press release posted today on the http://www.schneider-ag.de/
web site, Schneider Laser Technology AG, makers of the world's
first high power all solid-state white light laser, announced
on 26 January that it is declaring insolvency. Here is
part of the press release which was posted in German and has
been computer translated: "The executive committee of Schneider
Technologies AG as well as the executive committees of the subsidiary companies
Schneider Electronics AG and Schneider Laser Technologies AG
submitted on Monday, 28 January 2002 the insolvency request because of inability to pay with the responsible district courts
in Memmingen and Gera place. In the past months numerous intensive discussions with potential investors, shareholders as well as outside capital
sources were held to insure the security of successful growth strategy in the entertainment electronics and the advancement of the lasers display technology. The additional
financial requirement for development, restructuring and continuation of the operational business could not be guaranteed
despite intensive efforts of the executive committee." Rockwell
Announces Laser Safety Courses Rockwell Laser Industries would like to announce the upcoming Industrial
Laser Safety, and Laser Safety Officer Courses for 2002. Pulses
Pangolin special report on solid state white light lasers. Pangolin Laser Systems recently held their
annual Pangolin Users Group [PUG] meeting in Orlando
Florida. This meeting is usually held in conjunction
with the annual ILDA meeting, which was cancelled this year.
Pangolin decided to go ahead with the PUG meeting, and in
fact, staged two PUG meetings in order to accommodate the
schedule of laserists who had planned to attend ILDA or who
were attending LDI. King Fahad 20 years in power Overall production: Laser Magic Ltd - Stephen Harvey Technical teams from LM UK, LM Bahrain, USA, Saudi and the UAE. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Laser Magic won this prestigious contract to provide a "world class show" for the celebrations of 20 years of successful reign of King Fadah in Saudi Arabia. The show date was the 8 th November 2001 and from contact to show day Laser Magic had just 4 weeks, a tight schedule indeed. Laser Magic has been involved in major events worldwide for nearly 20 years and as a result could draw upon a very strong production team, which was necessary for such a short show schedule.The show site was in front of the Kings Palace and directly in front of the Jeddah Fountain. For any of you that do not know the fountain, it is one of the largest water fountains in the world, with the main column of water going as high as 245 meters. With a bit of wind, it forms one of, if not the largest water screen in the world and was a fantastic backdrop to the main show. The main show consisted of 5 huge barges; each barge was at least 25 meters in width and nearly 40 meters in length and to give you some idea of the scale, we installed 6 Aggreko generators, one 500Kva and one 350Kva on three of the barges and they moved only 1 inch lower in the water. The three main show barges were moored about 100 meters from the audience.
Finally, to round off the show we installed 5 IREOS multi-coloured searchlights around the Jeddah fountain together with a powerful Millennia SX to project animations and text on to the fountain screen. This water screen (due to the wind conditions turned out at around 180 meters in height by at least 100 meters width. Show format The central theme of the King Fahad event was to show the
advances made whilst King Fahad has ruled the Kingdom. To this
end we had a specially commissioned video produced in Bahrain
and Jeddah, but to supplement the video, we produced a custom
sound track and programmed the lights using 2 Avolight
Sapphires again using radio DMX. This worked especially well
with the IREOS searchlights based at the Jeddah fountain as
the units were approximately 800 meters away from the lighting
desks. DISCLAIMER: Some of the information in the Backstage area is provided by the persons or companies named on the relevant page(s). Laser F/X does NOT endorse or recommend any products/services and is NOT responsible for the technical accuracy of the information provided. We provide this information as a service to laserists using the Backstage area. [ Introduction | World Scan | What's New | Special Reports | Virtual Visits | General Articles | Digest ]
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