F/X On-line Newsletter
World Scan

News items about
laser show technology, installations and special events/shows from around
the world as well as social items relating to laserists. Our
"Pluses" items cover laser items from the mainstream
for 2003 ATW Papers
August, 2003: In something of a celebratory style for a past decade of new technology, and in the interest of helping promote ILDA further with increased online and web presence, this year's ATW information and application are available online at:
This includes our new "e"ATW Application form. That's right! Instead of having to compose emails or fill out paper forms, you can simply point your web browser at the ATW presentation application above, fill in the question fields, and hit submit! It couldn't be easier, and now there's no excuse for you NOT to present this year, and tell the world (or at least the ILDA conference attendees!) about your newest, latest, and greatest products and concepts in laser entertainment! (And of course, if you would still prefer to submit your application the old fashioned way, the printable form is available at:
We are requesting that all ATW presentation applications be submitted no later than October 1st, so we will have adequate time to organize all of them for the event. We will also be attempting to bring you occasional 'sneak peeks' on who is planning on presenting at the ATW *BEFORE* the conference, so the sooner you submit, the better! Don't let your competitors beat you to the chase! You don't have to be an ILDA member to present, but if you've walked, driven, or flown all the way to the ILDA conference to attend the ATW, you should really probably think about joining ILDA and staying for the conference, too!
The ATW is currently scheduled for Saturday, November 29th at the end of the conference, rather than during the (usually hectic) first day for various reasons, most of which are aimed at better ATW attendance and availability, both for presenters and the audience! We will try test-driving this new scheduling of the workshop this year to see if it does indeed make things better for everyone!
If you have any questions concerning the ATW or your presentation ideas, please don't hesitate to contact myself
(polak@lasers.org) and/or Michael Sollinger (sollinger@lasers.org) with your concerns! Email tends to often be the best way to get in touch with the both of us, and we can more easily keep track of your inquiries, all the specific points therein, and ensure that we can do our best to give a timely and complete response!
We hope to see all of you there, and hopefully a majority of the audience participating as presenters!
Remember -- It's your show. We just help to organize it!
-- Matt, Technical Committee Secretary
David Lytle
becomes ILDA Executive Director
August 14, 2003: The ILDA Board of directors has hired David Lytle to the position of ILDA's Executive Director. We will be moving the ILDA office to Portland Oregon (David's current residence). From there he will be carrying out all of the functions of the Executive Directors position. Check the ILDA web site (as soon as David has a chance to update it) for information about ILDA's new phone and fax numbers.
David has just informed me that his new email address is: david@laserist.org
Please join with me in welcoming David Lytle as ILDA's new Executive Director!
Steve Heminover
ILDA President
Rockwell 1937 - 2003
It is with great sadness that I give you the news of the passing of R. James Rockwell. He passed away on Sunday, June 22, 2003 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was 66 years of age.
Jim Rockwell was a true pioneer in the field of laser safety, his accomplishments too many to list here. Jim was a man of great integrity, and I was proud to consider him a mentor and a friend.
Jim Rockwell will be deeply missed by his family and those, like me, who had the honor and privilege of working with him over many, many years.
Greg Makhov, LSDI
Orlando, Florida |
City Pulls Plug on Laser Light Shows
Rachel Barnhart, WROC-TV):
3/18/2003 11:00 PM:
City Hall has pulled the plug on the High Falls laser light shows, a popular downtown fixture for a decade.
"That was a free amenity, and given today's budget climate, we really do have to find a way that the light show will support itself," said Parks and Recreation Committee Commissioner Loretta Scott.
The light shows ran several times a week during the summer, and on holidays and special events. The shows were abruptly cancelled when the city hired a new developer, Baltimore-based Cordish Company. Light shows are not part of the contract.
The city previously paid Flaum Management $200,000 a year for the shows. Light shows will now only be held for special events.
The news came as a shock to High Falls business owners. Spin Caffe recently opened on Mill St. in the High Falls District. Owner Patrick DiMarzo was banking on foot traffic generated by the laser light shows.
"It's a shock to me. We're really upset over it, because it draws a lot of people here in the summer," DiMarzo said.
The Greater Rochester Visitors Association is also concerned. The group promotes the light shows to out-of-towners.
"It's certainly a significant loss," said G.R.V.A.'s Patti Donoghue. "The laser light show has been a favorite for individuals in the community as well as visitors for quite some time."
City officials don't rule out regular light shows in the future. Mayor William Johnson suggested charging admission during a recent conversation with News 8 Now. The ultimate goal is to privatize the shows. The Cordish Company did not return a call for comment.
"The options are numerous," said Scott. "Cordish can fund it or they can find sponsorships. The city can attempt to find sponsorships. There are a number of options. There are more options than resources."
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