F/X On-line Newsletter
General Articles

We are not
always serious and focused on the technology. We occasionally publish
general interest articles and "Disaster Zone" articles about shows
that went wrong.

Image used on
the original Laserium Poster for the premier performance in November 1973
of Ivan Dryer)
The Delta Heavy Tour with Sasha and
Digwed - The Delta Heavy is a novel concept. The
combination of star DJs with cutting edge lights, sound
and laser is by no means new... Taking that on the road
for an average of 4 shows a week on an international 12
week tour is something new.
By The Lights - Pink Floyd On Tour - By: L. Michael
Reproduced form Laser Effects #4. A
laserists impressions of the Pink Floyd's "Division
Bell' show INCLUDES: Laser Basics article about the Copper
vapour laser from Oxford Laser used on the tour.
Animation Piracy - An article by L.
Michael Roberts which chronicles an attempt to settle a
situation in which his animations were taken form a third
party who had every right to them, then pirated and
re-sold for profit.
Child of Change - This article was written by L. Michael
Roberts to fill an empty page in the world's first Laser Clip Art Catalogue
that was issued in the Spring of 1993. Reaction to this article was so
positive that it led to the publication of the Laser Effects Quarterly, which
eventually morphed into the LaserFX.com web site!
No we are not kidding!
Click the banner to visit the site which actually contains
useful information interspersed with pictures of Britney. |
Some of the information in the Backstage area is provided by the
persons or companies named on the relevant page(s). Laser F/X does
NOT endorse or recommend any products/services and is NOT
responsible for the technical accuracy of the information
provided. We provide this information as a service to
laserists using the Backstage area.
[ Introduction
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| Virtual Visits | General Articles
| Digest ]