Safety - Safety Archives
The Safety Archives
contains a listing of articles, papers and links relevant to professional laser
safety issues.

Safe Audience Scanning: This article, by By
William Benner, Jr. Chair, ILDA Technical Committee, originally appeared in
a condensed form in the Fall 1997 edition of The Laserist. The version that
appears here, with the permission of the author, is the full 4000 word
An Electronic Approach to
Safer Scanning: To improve the safety of laser
shows, especially in jurisdictions where audience
scanning is permitted, it is desirable to monitor the behavior
of the scanners electronically. If a malfunction
is detected, then the system can be shut down.
This paper covers the theoretical considerations of such
Laser Safety Seminar - November 8, 1998:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A copy of the handout
provided to participants at the seminar.
Safety Information
The international laser safety
standard, IEC-825, is the overall document on which most countries base their
laser safety standards. If you operate in a country with few or no
regulations, it is wise to follow the standards set forth in this document.
- User
Guide for Directed Bright Light Operations in Airspace:
The proposed Canadian regulations for the use of lasers in outdoor shows
and displays - For the latest copy of this
information, contact
"Maurstad, Jim" <MAURSTJ
@ tc.gc.ca>
- Wilson Industries Inc,
a supplier of industrial laser safety equipment, has
a document containing common Laser Safety Formulas that may be
useful to you. Go to the linked page and look for the Common
Safety Formulas link on the left.
- Laser
Safety: A section on laser safety from the Pangolin Laser
Show Resources Guide.
[ Introduction
| Eye
and Skin Hazards | Electrical
fire and flood hazards | Basic
safety precautions | Laser
Pointer Safety ]
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Safety Archives | Laser
Safety Regulations | Laser
Safety Links ]