F/X On-line Newsletter - Digest

April, May,
June 1998
Items removed from the on-line
Newsletter pages during the second quarter of 1998.
NOTE: Links on
destination sites are often changed. We provide the
digest pages for archival purposes and the links to external
sites were working when the material was originally published
but may no longer be working.
What's New
New products and services of interest to
lasersts. Submit your new product information and images in .gif or .jpg
format to our E-mail or contact us.
office moves to larger suite
The ILDA office is moving. We are moving to a larger office space within
the same office complex. We now have a new suite number, but everything else
remains the same.
Linda N. Hare, Executive Director
International Laser Display Association
4301 32nd Street West, Suite B-23
Bradenton, Florida 34205 USA
Phone: 941-758-6881
Fax: 941-758-1605
E-mail: ildadirect@aol.com
Web: http://www.ilda.wa.org
LD real-time Performance Software
Software extends Pangolin LD for DJ's or Laser Producers Needing Spontaneous
Performance Capability
December 2, 1997 - Los Angeles CA: Holo-Spectra is
proud to announce the addition of a new software member to the SpectraScan
laser entertainment suite. BeamWizard is intended for discotheques, live
shows, and professional presentations where spontaneous and nimble laser
entertainment creativity is an absolute requirement. BeamWizard can rapidly
perform beam shows, laser slide shows, laser graphic animations, scrolling
text, ShowTime shows, automated effects-oriented laser frame displays, and
custom projector effects. The laser performer initiates selections with
simple mouse clicks or single-key strokes of preassigned characters or
listbox descriptions.
The software is a controller for Pangolin LD based scan heads and requires
any QM32 board. Because the user can create multiple gain/offset presets, a
single click to a new tab and a new function instantly transforms the
scanning scale. This is very valuable in performance when you must shift
from full scale beams to a small graphics screen to a offset location for
scrolling text without a pause.
Single point beams can be instantly created and positioned. Thirty beams,
graphic frames, or QM TTL-defined effects can be bumped or latched or
assigned to any length sequence on twelve other keys. The sequences can be
triggered by BPM input or BeatBar taps or external signals like bass
rhythms. Any amount of LD animations can be loaded for performance on single
clicks and you can have ten scrolling messages on single click call.
Individual frames can be manipulated with real-time effects such as
translation, rotation, draw-out, sparkle, fill-in, pulse, flash, etc. A new
innovation in real-time effects is ShowTime scriptlets. Your write a
ShowTime script using only one frame. It can be loaded into BeamWizard and
selected with a single click. Any of the frame keys can be played using your
script. Full ShowTime shows or scenes can also be played. As users give us
more good effect ideas, we will add them.
BeamWizard software is $635 in its limited time introductory phase or a full
performance package with a QM32 board, graphics, and animations is
available. The later is ideal as an exceptionally powerful club
"starter system" when creation capability is not required. .
BeamWizard soon will be available with MIDI input control of all functions.
The software is a fast 32-bit design with a modern Win95 interface including
contextual help. Holo-Spectra is interested in localising the software with
regional languages in conjunction with local distributors.
Contact: Bill Arkin bill@lasershs.com
- www.lasershs.com -
Holo-Spectra Inc. 800 275-4880
Laser display happenings from around the world. If you
would like your show or installation information here, please E-mail to our
E-mail or contact us
Launches Attractions Consultancy
By: John
Australia's share of the international themed attraction industry is set
to be boosted by Laservision's latest initiative in theme park entertainment
consultancy that will see their Macro-Media design and production skills
more readily accessible world-wide. The company's new role as pro-active
consultants supplements their already formidable offering as designers,
manufacturers and show producers.
Laservision have the creative know how to put complex ideas together, their
consultancy program allows attraction developers and operators to contract
the company to develop and project manage installations, whilst retaining
the use and economies of their local resources.
The Laservision team has established an international
reputation for excellence during the last decade. Their high profile
projects include the re-development of Sentosa Island's Famous
"Musical Fountains" in Singapore, the "Aqua-Magic
Film & Laser Spectacular" on Sydney harbour and the worlds
largest Macro-Media spectacular in Korea at Everland.
"Miraculous" the
worlds largest permanent Macro-Media TM
attraction at Asia's biggest Theme Park "Everland" in
South Korea. |
Other significant undertakings have been completed in Indonesia,
Thailand, India, Singapore, China, The Pacific Islands, the USA and New
Zealand. The Company is in the process of establishing their first
permanently staffed South East Asian service and customer support centre in
The Consultancy Unit's approach encompasses the initial conceptual
development of the project, combined with a site and skills audit. From this
point Laservision is able to provide the preliminary design options, concept
visuals, an engineering feasibility report and budgets for appraisal. Once
approved the company provides follow through services that manage and
supervise all aspects of the project from tender writing to financial
management and construction supervision. Finally attraction owners can call
on the company to co-ordinate staff training and manage operation and
maintenance, even preparation of themed merchandising and subsequent
performance production.
Laservision's 20 Sydney employees drive this creative powerhouse, succeeding
at the cutting edge of the international Macro-Media entertainment industry
Laservision have extended their international marketing effort to the
Internet, the website is found at www.laservision.com.au
elects New Board of Directors
The International Laser Display Association [ILDA] held it's
annual meeting in Lincoln Nebraska, 15 to 18 November, 1997. The meetings
includes the annual Advanced Technology Workshop, Seminars and workshops, a
trade show and the Awards Banquet.
At the elections for the board of directors, the following were elected or
returned to office:
President - Chris Ward
Lightspeed Design Group
Board Member - Casey Stack
Laser Physics

Board Member - Steve Heminover
Aura Technologies

Board Member - Tony Zmorenski
Walt Disney World Co.

Board Member - Stephen Harvey
Laser Magic [UK]
Steven Harvey becomes ILDA's First
international member to win election to the Board in 11 years. He
will bring a different perspective to the board's deliberations.
Steven is also involved with The Entertainment Laser Association -
a UK organisation that promotes laser safety and education in the
light show industry.
[Photos courtesy of Patrick Murphy
- Pangolin Laser Systems]
award re-named
ILDA has announced that the annual award presented for
technical achievement in Laser Displays will be re-named the Fenning Award
to honour the late Fred Fenning. Fenning was a co-founder of Image
Engineering Corp and the inventor of the DV storage system that allowed
laser shows to be stored on video tape using a codec, among other technical
breakthroughs. Fred died last year when his single engine craft suffered an
engine failure from which he could not recover. He was flying alone on an
annual cross-country trip.
for more details on Fred Fenning
Technical Committee Minutes
and 11/18/97 Meetings - By: Bill Benner
11/16/97 -- Technical Committee Voting Members only
11/18/97 -- Technical Committee Voting Members plus Technical Committee
Chairman: William R. Benner, Jr.
Technical Committee Voting Members:
John Frantz, East Coast Control Systems;
Steve Heminover, AURA Technologies;
Walt Simmons, Audio Visual Imagineering;
Michael Sollinger, Laser Animation Sollinger;
Casey Stack, Laser Physics.
Technical Committee Subscribers who attended the 11/18/97
Robert Calay, Laser Production Network;
Hayden Hale & Patrick Murphy, Pangolin Laser Systems;
Craig Nelson, Cra-Tek;
Kelly Plughoff, Full Spectrum Lasers.
Tech-Com in session at the ILDA meeting in
[Photo courtesy of Patrick
Murphy - Pangolin Laser Systems] |
11/16/97 Meeting Minutes:
ADOPTED: ILDA Standard Projector - [ISP] standard:
Designations ISP Level One (basic, one-scanner
pair, graphics-only system, whether monochromatic or RGB) and
ISP Level Two (ISP Level One plus effects capability such as
lumia, beam table, etc.)
Hardware configuration standards included in the ISP:
ISP-30K (30K Scanner Tuning);
ISP-DB25 (DB-25 Connector & Signal Specification);
ISP-DMX (DMX-512 Effects Control);
ISP-EFX (Effects Specification); and
ISP-TAPE (ADAT Tape Playback and Track Assignments.)
ADOPTED: New ILDA Technical Committee 1997 Mission
"The ILDA Technical Committee's mission is to facilitate growth of
the laser display industry by the improvement of technical competence
through the dissemination of information."
ADOPTED: Goals in support of the 1997 Mission Statement:
Increase the laser industry's technical competency by the dissemination
of information to them by ILDA and the ILDA Technical Committee.
Promote the ILDA Technical Standards, and consequently the laser light
show industry at large, through public relations.
ADOPTED: Action Steps in support of the 1997 Mission
Increase knowledge base of membership -- Provide for dissemination of
standards and technical information to the membership and the public, by
posting them on the ILDA Web Site, and publicising that posting to the
membership, via the laserist-list, the ildatech-list, the ILDA Web Site,
and in "The Laserist".
Encourage members and the public to get in the habit of turning to the
ILDA Web page first, instead of always approaching industry individuals
Use the ILDA web site as a repository for as many laser light show
technical standards and as much technical information as can be made
available. Example: various pinouts for scanners, drivers, etc. Continue
to publish technical articles and increase topics to include show
design, safety.
Allow public access-foster openness to encourage use of
the standards and to promote ILDA. Establish links on the Web site to
more industry-related sites, such as Lighting Dimensions International -
Promote the ILDA Technical Standards, from a public
relations standpoint -- Parallel ILDA's President, Chris Ward's, public
relations priorities; specifically, the idea for a festival-style public
laser display industry showcase.
MEMBERSHIP: Technical Committee Membership Changes:
John Tilp resigns his position on the Technical
Committee Board.
Technical Committee Board position opened by John Tilp's
resignation filled by voting in Robert V. Belfatto, NEOS Technologies,
Inc., who had been a subscriber for several years and continually
requested a Voting position.
Voting Member Casey Stack offers to resign his position
as a Voting Member, specifically for the Committee to offer it to a non-U.S.
ILDA member, in order to more fully represent ILDA's non-U.S. membership
on the Technical Committee.
11/18/97 Meeting Minutes:
UPDATE: 11/16/97 Technical Committee Board meeting results,
above, relayed to attendees.
MEMBERSHIP: Discussion of filling Casey Stack's tentatively
opened Technical Committee Voting position:
Among the International ILDA members being considered
are: tarm and LOBO people, whose competency is demonstrated by their
many recent ILDA awards. UK and Australia members. Individuals might
include: Lothar Bopp and Richard Pollack from LOBO; no-one specific from
tarm or UK or Australian companies.
Craig Nelson, Cra-Tek, Subscribing member to the
Technical Committee, has requested consideration for appointment as
Voting Member.
Process for voting in new Technical Committee Voting
Members discussed.
Technical Committee wants to be sure to consider:
Vendor member participation;
Diversity in the Committee membership;
Cultural differences that may cause members to hesitate to request
Committee membership in favour of *waiting for an invitation* from the
Recognition that, probably, ILDA members interested enough to be Technical
Committee Voting members would already be participating as Committee
Casey Stack retains Technical Committee Voting position
until same Committee determines who, if anyone, to vote in to join the
ILDA membership is not required to subscribe to the
ildatech-list or to be present at ILDA's Advanced Technical Workshop [ATW].
The Committee should immediately present ILDA Standard
Projector - ISP for final ILDA Board of Directors approval.
The Committee should request that the ILDA Board of
Directors increase the Technical Committee budget from the current $500,
to $1,000 - $1,500.
Technical Committee Board consideration, over the
ildatech-list, requested by Robert Calay: (1) Extend the ILDA Colour
Palette to 24-bit colour and (2) Consider an api standard.
Next meeting of the ILDA Technical Committee to be during
the Laser F/X '98 conference 16-18 May, 1998, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
shine at AIDS benefit
Staff reporter
The annual Black & Blue party in Montreal is one of the biggest fund
raisers for AIDS research and AIDS charities in Canada. The event was held
over the Canadian Thanksgiving day weekend in the vast Montreal Convention
centre with an estimated 12,000+ people attending the event.
A massive sound system in the main room was complemented by over 512 DMX
controlled intelligent dance lighting fixtures including Intellibeams,
Cyberlights and StudioColors. The lighting and sound systems took 3 days to
install and program. The stage area featured a back wall made of hundreds of
PAR cans gelled to represent the Rainbow flag - the symbol of the gay
New Wave Inc. of Montreal was the prime contractor for the laser portion of
the event with FFP Laser Systems of Mississauga and Laser F/X International
of Burlington providing additional equipment.
Two high power RGB ISP type systems with beam tables were mounted at either
end of the main dance area and operated synchronously from the stage by 500
feet of interconnecting cables. At the stage end, New Wave used a tandem
pair of Argon and krypton lasers producing 10+ watts. At the opposite end of
the room, FFP laser used a tandem pair producing 8+ watts of power. Each
projector was equipped with beam tables and an array of 20+ mirrors bounced
the beams throughout the venue creating an overhead web of beams.
The main controller was New Waves SyncMaster running a Pangolin QuadMod32 to
project images onto two giant scrims suspended over the dance floor and
scanned beam effects above and onto the dancers. The laserists for the
evening were Derek Garbos and Andrew Jefferson of New Wave, Dave Nash of FFP
Lasers and L. Michael Roberts of Laser F/X.
Since the ILDA standard DB25 interface had yet to be finalised at the time
of the event, interconnecting the two systems involved making special patch
adapters at each end to convert the signals to the appropriate pinouts. This
time consuming interfacing will be eliminated by adoption of the ILDA
The highlight of the evening was two costumed dancers who emerged from a 24
ft diameter mirror ball in the centre of the floor. Each dancer had two
fibres run through their costumes to Machida-like gratings mounted on each
glove. This entailed running a fibre feed to a small optics plate mounted in
the ceiling where the beam was split to feed the 4 fibres sent to the two
dancers. As they dances, huge multicoloured fans of laser beamlets swept
through the venue and across the gyrating dancers on the packed floor.
The event, which lasted from 22:00 on Sunday night until Noon on Monday
morning, was a huge success with plans afoot to provide even more
spectacular effects at this year's party.
Some of the information in the Backstage area is provided by the
persons or companies named on the relevant page(s). Laser F/X does
NOT endorse or recommend any products/services and is NOT
responsible for the technical accuracy of the information
provided. We provide this information as a service to
laserists using the Backstage area.
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