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Laser Show Systems - Pinouts DISCLAIMER: The pinouts shown here were contributed by manufacturers, vendors and individuals. While every effort has been made to insure accuracy, LaserFX.com can not be responsible for any errors or omissions.
MediaLas CatWeazle LCII Scan Amp Board Pinout for the MediaLas CatWeazle dual channel scan amp board. This is not an official MediaLas document, for the latest version, contact info@medialas.com Power Power can be either 110 or 220 VAC at 50 or 60 Hz. Power is applied at connector K1 as follows:
Make sure voltage selector switch is set to the appropriate voltage before powering the system.
Signals Scan signals are connected at the set of pins on the left of the diagram above. Starting at the top of the pins [when the scan amp is oriented as show in the diagram above]:
Note 1: +12 and -12 outputs, X back and Y back are for powering and connection to the CatSafe board only. When used, there lines must be kept free from any electrical noise. If not used then leave unconnected. Note 2: Use + and - inputs when using balanced scan signals. When using unbalanced signals (single ended) connect X Input - and Y Input - to ground.
Polarity Jumpers For normal signal operation, jumpers should be vertical [when scan amp is horizontal and scanner output connectors are to the right]. For inverted scans, jumpers should be horizontal [when scan amp is horizontal and scanner output connectors are to the right]. Polarity can be different on each channel without causing any problems. NOTE: Always switch on scanners before the laser so that the mirrors will be in position before the beam enters the scanners.
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